8 Tips to help you be more efficient working from home

1. Keep yourself to regular work hours
Setting yourself consistent hours keeps you accountable to yourself and to
your boss. It makes you more likely to get all your work done, and it makes it
easier to get in touch with you.
2. Keep work time and personal time separate
Keeping work time and personal time compartmentalized also helps you
keep productive while you’re at work, and reduces stress when you aren’t at
work. In the same way that you scheduled your work hours, schedule,
communicate, and plan when you will not be available to work
3. Plan your workflow
Do the highest priority tasks first
Plan your day around your own natural cycles–do the hardest work when you have the most energy throughout the day
Plan yourself rewards and breaks throughout the day
Plan your day around your own natural cycles–do the hardest work when you have the most energy throughout the day
Plan yourself rewards and breaks throughout the day
4. Break up the day
Try planning how you’ll spend your breaks ahead of time, so you have
something to look forward to. Just make sure you decide how long you will
spend on a break, so you don’t get too distracted. Ten to 30 minutes is great
for shorter breaks, and an hour or two is perfect for lunch.
5. Create an at-home office
You are likely to feel more alert, more confident, and more organized. Try
setting up a desk where you always work. Set yourself up with a comfy,
supportive chair, a spacious desk, and consistent workplace tools.
6. No roomies allowed
Being efficient working from home is all about boundaries, this also means
setting boundaries for kids, pets, and your spouse or roommates. Try to
encourage them to leave you alone while you are working so you can stay
7. Use professional communication tools
Choose the right communication platform to help your team work remotely
instead of a myriad of chat apps and a spreadsheet of cell phone numbers.
8. Stay in the loop
One of the best things about working in an office is the potential for
collaboration and socialization. You don’t have to lose this just because you are
working from home. Try to check in with your coworkers at least a couple of
times per week, whether by email, phone, Skype, or other conferences platform
What are your tips for being efficient working from home?
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